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    WELCOME TO THE SC Medical Equipment Services Association

The SC Medical Equipment Services Association is an organization of firms that provide home medical equipment and supplies. SCMESA was formed out of the common need for a more unified voice in legislative matters, and a need for education and information critical to our continued success as an industry.

Together we can more effectively respond to the challenges of the future in the home medical equipment industry. Join SCMESA today to stay on top of the dynamic changes in the industry.

SCMESA provides a network for information sharing, political advocacy and industry education. Our unity gives us a powerful voice in State and Federal Legislative issues.

Our Mission

The mission of the South Carolina Medical Equipment Services Association, (SCMESA) is to promote leadership, education and networking for our members. We pledge to advocate for customers and patients with integrity to provide value and comfort in the communities we live and serve.

Contact US

P.O. Box 3284
West Columbia,SC 29171

Phone:(803} 834-3975


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